A Night Full of Stars!

What a starry night it was for the Firm’s annual dinner last weekend. Held at Cedar@15, Hotel Impiana, the venue which overlooked the beautiful KLCC twin towers was a perfect fit for the chosen theme.

The event was a celebration for our very own STARS, our #TeamHG and #FamilyHG for the outstanding achievement of being conferred “Malaysia IP Agency of The Year” by Global IP Awards 2019. Everyone came dressed to the nines and the night was made more memorable with the delectable dishes served, delightful entertainment and not forgetting, the wonderful camaraderie.

We were treated to a variety of performances, 6 in all, by the slew of talent pool who were vying for the title: Champion of HG Got Talent. There was singing and dancing, a standup comedy and sketches abound with “The Big Show” from Trademarks Department winning the grand prize. They literally “killed” it with their highly entertaining routine. “Air Surprise” who performed a synchronized swimming routine (without any water involved!) was the runner up and Warden Wise aka our very own songbird Andrew walked away as the second runner up with his beautiful rendition of “Never Enough”.

The event would not be complete without prizes for best dressed. Our Mr and Ms Glam for the night were Mohamad Nazrin and Mary Joanna who both looked resplendent in their respective winning outfits.

T’was a glorious night to remember and will be cherished for years to come. Underlying the Firm’s success and achievements is the fact that the people of Henry Goh come together as a team and family. We work hard and play even harder. May this success inspire us to greater heights and accomplishments!