Malaysia – Law and Practice Updates

Patents (Amendment) Act 2022 and Implementing Regulations

The Patents (Amendment) Act 2022 was read and passed by the Upper House (Dewan Negara) of Parliament on 22 December 2021. The Act received the Royal Assent on 04 March 2022 and came into force together with the implementing Regulations…

update myipo jpo pph program

Update – MyIPO-JPO PPH Program

The PPH pilot program between the Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia (MyIPO) and Japan Patent Office (JPO) which commenced on 01 October 2014 for a trial period of 03 years was extended for a second trial period of 03 years.…

Transitional and Saving Provisions under Trademarks Act 2019

We are pleased to announce that the long-awaited Trademarks Act 2019 has finally came into force on 27 December 2019. We would like to highlight certain salient transitional and saving provisions under the new Act that you may wish to…

malaysia joins the madrid protocol

Malaysia joins the Madrid Protocol

On 27 September 2019, Malaysia deposited with WIPO its instrument of accession to the Madrid Protocol, becoming the 106th member of the Madrid System. The Protocol will take effect for the country on 27 December 2019. From that date, local…

Trademarks Act 2019

We are pleased to announce that the long-awaited overhaul of trademark laws in Malaysia is finally coming to fruition. The all-new Trademarks Bill 2019 was tabled in the Malaysian Parliament on 11 April 2019 and was approved, with some amendments,…

MyIPO and the European Patent Office launch PPH Pilot Program

Effective 01 July 2017, the Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia (MyIPO) and the European Patent Office (EPO) have commenced a Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH) pilot program. The program will initially run for a trial period of three years until 30…

New Patent Practice Notes issued by MyIPO effective 01 June 2016

MyIPO has issued three new patent practice notes that take effect from 01 June 2016. The first and second notices are related, and concern the processing of a patent application that proceeds directly to the issuance of a clear substantive…

MyIPO and Japan Patent Office launch PPH Pilot Program

Effective 01 October 2014, the Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia (MyIPO) and the Japan Patent Office (JPO) have commenced a Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH) pilot program. The program will initially run for a trial period of three years, followed by…

Data Protection Notice

The Personal Data Protection Act 2010 has come into force in Malaysia to regulate the processing of personal data in commercial transactions. At HENRY GOH, we will always treat your data in confidence and with respect; regardless whether you are…

Industrial Designs (Amendment) Regulations 2013

Malaysia’s Industrial Designs (Amendment) Regulations 2013 were published in the Government Gazette on 24 June 2013 and will come into force on 01 July 2013. The principal changes are: The remaining amendments are largely of a housekeeping nature. There are…

Industrial Designs (Amendment) Act 2013

Malaysia’s Industrial Designs (Amendment) Act 2013 will come into force on 01 July 2013. The principal changes under this Act are: Please contact us at for further information.