MIPA – Trademark & Geographical Indication Course

The Malaysian Intellectual Property Association (MIPA) organised a ‘Trademark & Geographical Indication Course’ at the Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia (MyIPO) on 29 October 2015. Our Legal Counsel, Mr. Lim Eng Leong was invited to present on Geographical Indications (GI). Eng Leong shared with the audience an overview about GI, the general provisions of the GI Act 2000, its registration process and the potential benefits vs pitfalls of a GI registration as well as his experience in obtaining GI protection in Malaysia for a foreign client. Apart from the topic of Geographical Indications, 5 other sessions were conducted by various local IP experts on the different aspects of trade mark protection in Malaysia. The course was well-attended by about 40 participants; consisting of MIPA members and the public.