Henry Goh

Henry Goh

2013 WTR 1000 Inclusion

2013 wtr 1000 inclusion

Henry Goh is once again proud to announce that our Firm has been ranked as one of Malaysia’s Recommended Firms in WTR 1000, the World’s Leading Trade Mark Professionals 2013. In addition, Henry Goh is the sole firm that was…

SME Solutions Expo 2013

sme solutions expo 2013

As part of Henry Goh’s continuous efforts to promote intellectual property (IP) awareness among the Malaysian public and business community, we are proud to be part of the SME Solutions Expo 2013, one of Southeast Asia’s largest trade expo for small-medium…

No. 1 Celebration!

no 1 celebration 1

For the 5th consecutive year, HG has been ranked Tier 1 Firm for patent and trade mark prosecution work in Malaysia. The People of Henry Goh celebrated this double achievement on 04 April 2013. First, they took off from work…

IPharm Seminar & Workshop

ipharm seminar workshop

Henry Goh recently conducted a one-day Intellectual Property seminar and Patent Search Workshop for the Institute of Pharmaceuticals and Nutraceuticals, Penang (IPharm) of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI) on 26 March 2013. The seminar, attended by 40…

Return of the “Mc”

return of the mc

In 2009, the Court of Appeal of Malaysia, decided on a landmark case between McCurry Restaurant (KL) Sdn Bhd v McDonald’s Corporation. The case was first brought by McDonald’s in the High Court for passing off against McCurry Restaurant (KL)…

Trade Mark Protection for First User

trade mark protection for first user

In Malaysia, the first use of a trade mark is an important consideration when deciding who has priority of ownership or first claim to a trade mark. Unlike some countries like China which recognises first to file system, Malaysia acknowledges…