
welcome patent agents

Welcome, Patent Agents!

We are proud to announce that our patent executives Ally Leong and Wong Qi Yuen are now full-fledged patent agents. Since joining in 2017 they…

update myipo jpo pph program

Update – MyIPO-JPO PPH Program

The PPH pilot program between the Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia (MyIPO) and Japan Patent Office (JPO) which commenced on 01 October 2014 for a…

moral rights in copyright

Moral Rights in Copyright

In our last article, we have explored one of the fundamentals of copyright in that an original work is protectable under the Copyright Act 1987…

fuel your name

Fuel Your Name

What is in a name? Can one be entitled to use it legally as a trademark? The answers may be gleaned from the recently decided…

awards 2020

Awards 2020

“I can no other answer make but thanks, and thanks, and ever thanks.” – William Shakespeare We are honored by the significant recognition accorded to…

greater protection for well known trademarks

Greater Protection for Well-known Trademarks

The newly minted Malaysian Trademarks Act 2019, enforced since 27 December 2019 gives a breath of fresh air for well-known trademark owners. Protection for this…

singapores accession to the locarno agreement

Singapore’s Accession to the Locarno Agreement

As part of Singapore’s continuous commitment to regularly review its intellectual property regimes to ensure that they are progressive and world-class, Singapore has signed and…