
henry goh 2015 awards

Henry Goh 2015 Awards

Quality service has always been the hallmark of Henry Goh from its humble beginnings almost 40 years ago. This has been made possible by the…

welcome to the lunar new year 1

Welcome to the Lunar New Year

Chap Goh Mei or the fifteenth day of the Lunar New Year is a special day on the Chinese calendar. It is normally referred to…

ipr seminar ahmedabad india 1

IPR Seminar | Ahmedabad, India

On 14 and 15 February 2015, our Senior Legal Counsel, Ms. Azlina Aisyah Khalid was invited to participate as a speaker at the 10th Annual…

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Lights! Camera! Action!

The Kuala Lumpur Inter Continental Hotel was the venue of choice on Saturday 22 November 2014 as the People of Henry Goh congregated there for…

henry goh dongzhi dinner 1

Henry Goh Dongzhi Dinner

It was a time for celebration. It was a time of renewing and strengthening the bonds of camaraderie at the historic Cheong Fatt Tze Mansion…

ipr seminar for smes bangkok thailand

IPR Seminar for SMEs, Bangkok Thailand

Our Senior Legal Counsel, Ms. Azlina Aisyah Khalid was recently invited to participate as one of the speakers for a seminar organised by the Thailand…

neville young in memory

Neville Young in Memory

It is with deep sadness that we inform you of the passing on of Mr. Neville Young in Australia. We extend our heartfelt condolences to…

relay for life henry goh hope crusaders 1

Relay for Life – Henry Goh Hope Crusaders

Relay for Life Kuala Lumpur, a 16-hour overnight event, was organized by the National Cancer Society of Malaysia, to celebrate the lives of cancer survivors…

remembering mh17 may you be at peace 1

Remembering MH17 May you be at Peace

Our deepest condolencesto the families and friends ofthe passengers and crew of MH17. We are gathered here today, 22 August 2014, in memory of the…

rna conference

RNA Conference

Our Executive Director, Mr. Dave Wyatt and Senior Legal Counsel, Ms. Azlina Aisyah Khalid were recently invited to speak at the Regional Network Alliance (RNA)…