Henry Goh

Henry Goh

The Malaysian IP Office and the New Normal

the malaysian ip office and the new normal

The Covid-19 pandemic which wreaked havoc across the globe in the early months of 2020 has since brought rapid changes to the way business is conducted all over. One obvious effect in Malaysia particularly, is the forced rapid digitalisation of…

Welcome, Patent Agents!

welcome patent agents

We are proud to announce that our patent executives Ally Leong and Wong Qi Yuen are now full-fledged patent agents. Since joining in 2017 they have been an invaluable addition to the Firm, both being involved in handling the formalities…

Moral Rights in Copyright

moral rights in copyright

In our last article, we have explored one of the fundamentals of copyright in that an original work is protectable under the Copyright Act 1987 (“CA”) if it falls under one of the categories of the protectable works under section…

Is a Doctrine of Equivalents applicable in Malaysia?

is a doctrine of equivalents applicable in malaysia

In a landmark 2017 decision, the United Kingdom’s Supreme Court determined that patent infringement can arise even in a scenario where the alleged infringement is outside the wording of the claim when construed according to established principles of construction. Traditionally,…

Awards 2020

awards 2020

“I can no other answer make but thanks, and thanks, and ever thanks.” – William Shakespeare We are honored by the significant recognition accorded to our patent and trademark teams by Managing Intellectual Property (MIP), World Trademark Review (WTR) and…

Singapore’s Accession to the Locarno Agreement

singapores accession to the locarno agreement

As part of Singapore’s continuous commitment to regularly review its intellectual property regimes to ensure that they are progressive and world-class, Singapore has signed and acceded to the Locarno Agreement Establishing an International Classification for Industrial Designs on 19 December…

Connect 1.0 @ Colony Q Sentral

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Team HG recently hosted Connect 1.0 at Colony Q Sentral on 21 November 2019 to Meet · Eat · Engage · Drink with IP owners and entrepreneurs. The interactive Connect session was centered around the new Trademarks Act 2019. A…

APAA 2019 Taipei
09 – 12 November 2019

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This year, APAA turned golden when it celebrated its 50th anniversary at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in Taipei, Taiwan from 09 -12 November 2019. The opening ceremony, which also coincided with its 70th Council Meeting was graced by Mr. Wen-je…

Trademarks Act 2019

We are pleased to announce that the long-awaited overhaul of trademark laws in Malaysia is finally coming to fruition. The all-new Trademarks Bill 2019 was tabled in the Malaysian Parliament on 11 April 2019 and was approved, with some amendments,…

A Night Full of Stars!

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What a starry night it was for the Firm’s annual dinner last weekend. Held at Cedar@15, Hotel Impiana, the venue which overlooked the beautiful KLCC twin towers was a perfect fit for the chosen theme. The event was a celebration…