
return of the mc

Return of the “Mc”

In 2009, the Court of Appeal of Malaysia, decided on a landmark case between McCurry Restaurant (KL) Sdn Bhd v McDonald’s Corporation. The case was first brought by McDonald’s in the High Court for passing off against McCurry Restaurant (KL)…

trade mark protection for first user

Trade Mark Protection for First User

In Malaysia, the first use of a trade mark is an important consideration when deciding who has priority of ownership or first claim to a trade mark. Unlike some countries like China which recognises first to file system, Malaysia acknowledges…

partially valid malaysian patents under the spotlight

Partially-Valid Malaysian Patents under the Spotlight

The Malaysian Patents Act and Regulations contain provisions for the amendment of patents post-grant. It is a fairly straightforward process, consisting essentially of re-examination by MyIPO. The patent owner files a request with MyIPO, together with the desired amendments. These…

trade marks in malaysia 2015 round up

Trade Marks in Malaysia: 2015 Round Up

TM Application and Registration Trade mark protection in Malaysia enjoyed one of its most buoyant years in 2015. With a record high of nearly 36,000 trade mark applications being filed, it is heartening to note that the upward trend of…

a sticky situation

A Sticky Situation

‘Dodol’ is a thick, sticky and sweet toffee-like confection made from coconut milk, jaggery, and rice flour. It is popular in many parts of South and Southeast Asia, including Malaysia. When it comes to such local delicacies in Malaysia, Tan…

formula one licensing bv v idea marketing sa

Formula One Licensing BV v Idea Marketing SA [2015] SGHC 263

Idea Marketing SA (“the Respondent”) is the global promoter for the F1 Powerboat World Championship racing event. The Respondent has applied to register the application mark “F1H2O” with the priority date of 11 January 2007 (“the relevant date”) in Singapore.…

the impact of the tppa on trade marks in malaysia

The Impact of the TPPA on Trade Marks in Malaysia

After seven years of (some claim secretive) negotiations, on 05 October 2015 Malaysia together with eleven other countries (Brunei, Chile, New Zealand, Singapore, Australia, Canada, Japan, Mexico, Peru, United States of America and Vietnam) reached a multilateral free trade agreement…

the registrar of trade marks as a party is not requisite

The Registrar of Trade Marks as a Party is not Requisite

The above statement was recently pronounced by a full quorum of the Federal Court’s panel of 5 judges with regard to the role of the Trade Mark Registrar as a party to a rectification or cancellation action. In Malaysia, a…

impending legislative changes to singapore patents law

Impending Legislative Changes to Singapore Patents Law

Legislative changes to the Singapore patents law on 14 February 2014 introduced a new procedure known as Supplementary Examination to the foreign route prosecution option where reliance on final results of search and examination of certain foreign or international applications…